02/07/2024 0 Kommentarer
Prizewinners of the Christmas Raffle 2022
Prizewinners of the Christmas Raffle 2022
# Nyheder

Prizewinners of the Christmas Raffle 2022
Our Chair of Board, Karen Maibom, has now drawn the winners of our 2022 Christmas Raffle "Julespillet". The prizewinners are:
1. Jonni Wilck (Box of Lego - Home alone)
2. Marianne Nicolaou (One night stay at Hotel Bethel, Copenhagen)
3. Bernadette Rolling (Lunch for two, Tivolihallen)
4. Marion Morgan (Lunch for two, Tivolihallen)
5. Helene Røberg (Homemade knitted cardigan)
6. Andrew Harding (Three days free stay for 2 person at Danish YWCA)
7. Lars Mortensen (Georg Jensen, Wave bowl)
8. Clark (Holmegaard Christmas bottle)
9. Lasse Nyhegn (Sofa cushions from Ninas House)
10. Fritse Jakobsen (Stelton Jug from Etcetera)
11. Lars Seeberg (Sølvkæde fra Camilla Dinesen)
Winner of the membership prize (painting of the blue fish) is:
Tove Tinghus Bundgaard.
Congratulations to the winners! You will all be contacted directly before Christmas.
A really big thank you to everyone, who bought tickets and supported our charity.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!